Cybercrime harm companies and governmental institutions by asset misappropriation, theft of sensitive private information, disruption of online operations, and legal settlement costs. Meanwhile, the costs get multiplied by the loss of credibility due to information security breaches. Also, there is a possibility of anonymous agents outside the organisation damaging the institution in a non-financial manner. Thus, information security risks must be managed multidimensionality by senior management and cybersecurity consultancy.
Cybersecurity consultancy provides independent assurance for process performance and insights about how to improve performance. For this reason, cybersecurity consultancy checks and correct internal control deficiencies. At the same time, cybersecurity consultancy monitors employee noncompliance such as; sharing passwords, clicking on links in fraudulent emails, and neglecting to update security-related software. Ultimately the objective is to avoid incidents before generating any material harm to the institution.
At Belpico we focus on the quality of the working relationship between our security auditing and information security functions. Our relationship approach with the enterprises results in a more significant number of reported internal control weaknesses and noncompliance incidents. This warm relationship between Belpico and enterprise increase the number of security incidents detected before causing material harm to the corporation. Ultimately, autonomy and quality of our information security function improve the performance of the service we provide.