Photonic-based radar systems provide low timing jitter, ultra-wide bandwidth, and low transmission loss. Hence, they provide remote sensing, target recognition, and area surveillance operations with precision and high accuracy. In contrast, the performance of the wideband electrical radar is limited. The great time jitter due to limited bandwidth mixers, frequency multiplier; causes quantisation distortion and spurious increment. Ultimately, photonic-based radar systems transceive and process signals at multi-bands over a broader frequency span, for longer times.
At Belpico, we are developing mode-locked laser for photonics-based radars. Our mode-locked laser generates tunable microwaves with ultralow phase noise and converts photonic signals from analogue-to-digital. Thus lower phase noise ratio enhances the imaging quality and detection probability -95%, 100%- of an object. Moreover, engines, the wings, the body, the tails and flap track fairings can be identified from the high-resolution images generated by our mode-locked laser. Also, the system diminishes the electronic reconnaissance interception by switching the frequency 100 times or more in 1s.